This year Eclipse Juno (3.8/4.2) was released and for the first time the 4.x version was chosen to be the primary release and 3.8 is in theory the last 3.x release. Unfortunately my testing has quickly revealed some glaring bugs - basic elements of interacting with the workbench don't quite work correctly. I have raised five bugs and found one existing bug covering the key issues which I hit:
- 362420 - Make "Quick access" optional and hidden by default
- 386804 - The target area to DND Views and Editors into existing stacks is too small
- 386803 - Quick Access mishandles Home and End
- 386802 - DND of Views and Editors not working properly
- 386806 - New Eclipse Icon not used by Eclipse 4.2 on Windows 7
- 386817 - Customize Perspective Tool Bar Visibility appears broken in 4.2
As a result of all of these issues I will be sticking to Eclipse 3.8 this year but I will keep an eye on future 4.x releases. The Eclipse 4.2 downloads are easy to find but there is only one 3.8 package available: